

Video: ICI General Counsel David Blass Discusses New Environment of Political and Regulatory Change

ICI General Counsel David Blass Discusses New Environment of Political and Regulatory Change

The new year ushered in a new era of politics in Washington, DC, ICI General Counsel David Blass said during his speech at the 2017 Mutual Funds and Investment Management Conference. As Congress moves to confirm new leadership and the regulatory agenda firms up, the fund industry will have opportunities to advance important policy goals.

Policymakers should take action following the White House’s “core principles” for regulating the financial system, including empowering Americans to make independent and informed financial decisions; fostering economic growth and vibrant capital markets; and making regulation efficient, effective, and appropriately tailored. In his speech, Blass looks at how to put these principals into action and at ICI’s priorities in the new political era.

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