News Release

News Release

ICI Hires Matthew Beck to Lead Media Relations

Washington, DC, May 4, 2015—The Investment Company Institute has named Matthew Beck as senior director, media relations, responsible for all media and public relations.

Beck, who will serve as a principal public spokesperson for the Institute, has extensive public relations experience in Washington. He joins ICI today from the Glover Park Group (GPG), where he was vice president, strategic communications. He will report to Mike McNamee, ICI chief public communications officer.

“Matthew has deep experience in communicating financial services and policy issues. We are fortunate to bring his expertise to ICI,” said McNamee. “His perspective will be invaluable as we continue to improve our communications efforts in Washington, across the nation, and globally.”

At GPG, Beck provided senior-level strategic communications, media relations, crisis, and reputation management counsel for a range of clients focused on financial services, tax, and trade issues.

Previously, he was the communications director and policy adviser for the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, serving as the lead spokesperson on economic issues and helping to develop legislative strategies for the committee. Earlier in his career, Beck worked in communications for Representative Sander Levin, the late Representative Robert Matsui, and former Representative Brian Baird.

Beck graduated from James Madison University with a BA in international affairs.