
Investor Awareness Program to Reach Historically Black Colleges, Universities

Washington, DC, May 23, 2002 - At the 2002 General Membership Meeting, Institute Executive Vice President Julie Domenick announced a new initiative to bring the important investor awareness messages of the nationalInvesting for Success investor education program to new audiences, including many of the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Domenick and Theodore Daniels, president and chief executive officer of the Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, announced that, under an agreement with the Society, the Investment Company Institute Education Foundation will sponsor investor education seminars that the Society presents at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The agreement also calls for the Society to distribute Investing for Success materials and promote the Investing for Success web course at its seminars.

Video excerpts of Mr. Daniels’s remarks are linked below.

About the Society for Financial Education and Professional Development…

Text of video clip [Theodore Daniels, President and Chief Executive Officer, Society for Financial Education and Professional Development]:

“Since our founding in 1998, the Society has worked to advance the level of financial and economic literacy in the African-American community. To accomplish this goal, the Society presents a series of personal financial workshops at 40 of the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities. … Our workshops are designed to equip students with the skills they need to attain personal economic success to compliment their college degrees. In many instances, our workshops expose students to the fundamentals and skills of personal financial management they may not get elsewhere or may learn too late.”

Working with the Investing for Success partners…

Text of video clip [Theodore Daniels, President and Chief Executive Officer, Society for Financial Education and Professional Development]:

“We look forward to our affiliation with the ICI Education Foundation and to including the Investing for Success program as part of our workshops. These invaluable investor awareness materials help promote a better and more comprehensive understanding of investing to the African-American community and we are pleased to offer these materials in our workshops to our participants. As a result of this project, I believe that future graduates of Historically Black Colleges and Universities will be even better equipped to maximize their professional and financial growth. I am confident that the financial workshops that we will offer will enable these students to become greater contributors to society by encouraging them to take responsibility for themselves and their financial futures.”