

Focus on Funds: Preview of GMM Sessions Featuring Industry and Political Leaders

Focus on Funds

Preview of GMM Sessions Featuring Industry and Political Leaders

The May 9, 2014, edition of Focus on Funds features ICI General Membership Meeting Chair Marie Chandoha discussing GMM programs focusing on good corporate governance and geopolitical events that could affect investing decisions.


Stephanie Ortbals-Tibbs, Director, ICI Media Relations: Welcome to Focus on Funds, the Investment Company Institute’s weekly roundup of industry news, ICI activities, and research findings. This week we continue reporting from San Francisco, where I’ve been talking with ICI General Membership Meeting Chair Marie Chandoha in her offices at Charles Schwab. We’re talking about the focus in this year’s meeting on good corporate governance, and geopolitical events that affect funds and their investors.

Marie Chandoha, President and CEO, Charles Schwab Investment Management: Jack Brennan, chairman emeritus of Vanguard, is going to be leading our governance panel, so he and his panel will be talking about what it means to have good governance, how to select a board of directors, and how to ensure that a board can overcome any obstacles to achieving good governance.

Stephanie Ortbals-Tibbs: The other thing that is woven in throughout the programming is this issue of national and international geopolitical developments and their potential impact on funds and their investors.

Marie Chandoha: We’re going to have some great leaders presenting at the GMM this year. CEO Larry Fink from Blackrock is going to be speaking, along with former Senator Olympia Snowe. So we’ll hear from them about their perspectives on the geopolitical environment, the financial services industry, and what it means for you from an investing perspective.

Stephanie Ortbals-Tibbs: That’s this week in funds. See you next week.

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ICI General Membership Meeting