
News Release

ICI Joins Financial Services Trade Associations in Supporting Sustainable Finance Principles

Principles are consistent with ICI’s earlier call for greater harmonization of global disclosure...

How Asia Can Help Joe Biden in the Fight Against Climate Change, Starting with Financial Markets

US President Joe Biden’s decision to make climate change a top priority opens wide the door to...
Comment Letter

EU ESG: Final Response to Commission Consultation on Sustainable Corporate Governance Legislation (p...

Letters to the Editor & Responses

Europe Should Seek an Agreement with the Biden Administration on Minimum Standard for Corporate Non-...

On his first day in office, Joe Biden promises to bring the US back into the Paris Agreement on...
Letters to the Editor & Responses

L’Europe devrait chercher avec l’administration Biden un accord sur une norme minimale d’information...

Dès son entrée en fonctions, Joe Biden va réengager les États-Unis dans l’accord de Paris sur le...
Comment Letter

ICI Response to IFRS Foundation’s Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting (pdf)

Letters to the Editor & Responses

The Fund-Management Industry Now Wants the US to Take the Lead on ESG Investing—Here’s What It Says ...

President-elect Joe Biden clearly plans to recalibrate how the United States engages on key...
News Release

ICI Board Unanimously Calls for Enhanced ESG Disclosure by Corporate Issuers

Fund industry encourages companies to follow TCFD recommendations and SASB standards to help ensure...
Comment Letter

ICI Submits Response to CFA ESG Consultation (pdf)